Sunday, August 26, 2012

Word Holders

There are some things on this Earth I appreciate so much; rainstorms, a good cup of coffee, strangers, a great pair of shoes, and books. Especially books, there are something about them that I just love. 

“When I'm really into a novel, I'm seeing the world differently during that time - not just for the hour or so in the day when I get to read. I'm actually walking around in a haze, spellbound by the book and looking at everything through a different prism." {Colin Firth}

There really is something about reading a novel that puts you directly into a haze. Not a wake up and the sky is cloudy kind of haze; a full on fog when you can't even see your  hand five inches in front of you haze. I become so enveloped in a good novel that I miss the characters when I'm not reading. I love all kinds of books; children's books challenge my imagination, young adult books let me dream of fantasy worlds, and classic novels allow me to relish in how society grew into what it is today. But most of all, I adore coffee table books. That's what I call them anyway; the big books that have lots of pictures of beautiful things and little snippets of information about the big pictures. I have six now (the newest one thanks to my best friend) and I value each of them so much. I can escape reality by reading them. On multiple occasions, they blocked out sadness, rejection, hurt, and fear. They open my world to far off lands, ancient civilizations, intricate designs, and the best of our history. There is something about books that allow you to do this. Drifting in and out of a haze caused by any book is wonderful. If you don't read, please do. I beg of you; there are so many beautiful things that can make your brain and your heart happy. Sitting in my dorm room, I don't have enough room for all my books to be seen all the time, and that makes me sad; but to know they are close makes it better. What I'm really trying to prove is that books have the ability, even when it is at its saddest, to make your heart fill itself with a beaming joy. 
Fill your heart.

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