Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Perfect Little Bundle of Joy

Meet Lily Bryn Kincaid.
{don't tell anyone, but she's my favorite niece}

She just turned three weeks Monday. She sleeps all the time, and when she isn't she is trying to keep her eyes open or she's eating. What a life, eh?

I have only been able to see her for a short weekend. Being two hours away is tough. I just want to see her everyday, hold her and see those little eyes open; but it was my turn to leave and move to college. As much as I was sad about leaving, I was promised by my sister (the mama!) that I would indeed see her a lot. Since that promise, I receive daily pictures and frequent videos of her gazing into the big world around her. 

This little bundle of joy is truly that, a lot of miracle and a little bit of person. She's growing so fast and I love her a lot. It's such a testament to how much God loves us. He provided this sweet little life into our family. It's amazing to see how he created the human body to grow and adapt to such dramatic changes. We are truly looked after and loved and nurtured by such an amazing, awe-inspiring God. Praise the Lord for this little life.

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