Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Corn country

i recently spent some time in one of the greatest states in america. and i've decided to justify why i love iowa so much by listing all the things i appreciate about it. so here you go.

1) weekly lunch dates with old lady best friends
2) the iowa state fair
3) that lightening bugs show up in the summer evenings
4) that even if they don't like each other very much, iowans take care of their own
5) eastern facing windows (and an internal clock to see the sunrise every morning)
6) abandoned roads that make for sweet family strolls
7) an appreciation for good, unhealthy food 
8) green rolling hills, full of hard working farmers
9) traditions are kept 
10) big spacious skies with cumulus clouds (and a well timed meteor shower)
11) sweet old ladies
12) pleasant weather in mid-august (it's unheard of)
13) ladies that drink diet pepsi at ten in the morning 
14) every town, big or small, has a town square
15) everyone knows everyone
16) all the history that is preserved and displayed with pride
17) my family's century farm

those are just a few reasons.  if you ever have the chance to visit iowa, go. appreciate the smell of cattle, the tall endless corn, and the sweetness of not doing a whole lot. 

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