Monday, July 27, 2015

midwest storms

my mom, sister, and i drove to and from iowa this past week. being the informative teacher mother she is, my mom explained to us why the storms form like they do. it's probably way more complicated than this but it has to do with the hot temperature dropping to cool temperatures and the water formed as humidity turning into rain. something like that. 

the point is, these storms in the midwest roll fast and hard. minutes lie between a sunny sky and the brightest lightening in the darkest clouds. and isn't that just how our problems in life seem to roll? fast and hard. 

i recently returned from a trip overseas in Latvia. it was a beautiful time that opened my eyes to other cultures, God's people, and His beautiful character. it was my hot and humid and sunny day. and when i got back after some solid time with my team processing and praying over my return home, the temperature dropped and the storm rolled in fast and hard. 

two situations overtook my mind, thoughts, heart, and every part of my confidence in the Lord. i lost my sense of trust and tried taking control of the things i thought God was not seeing going on. i pleaded with Him to take them away or fix them or to just do something with them.

and just like in the western part of iowa our first night, my heart was storming. i felt like so much had gone awry and i couldn't do anything about it. the actual storm going on outside of the car was unlike any i've ever seen. the lightening was unreal and lit up the entire sky as it flashed for what seemed like minutes. with next to no rain, the Lord showed me what He could do. that storm showed me just how much power He had. i was able to sit and revel in His Power as the author of that storm that struck that night. He whispered in the most beautiful way that He is my All and He is my King. 

my trust needs to be found fully in Him. i was gently reminded of that as we drove through these storms. He is more powerful and can do more than i can ever comprehend.

"The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; 
He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.
Do not fear or be dismayed."
- duetoronomy thirty one: eight 

it's okay that i forget that because i'm just a sinner in need of a savior. and He will never leave or forsake me. He has gone before me and is faithful. 

so no matter how hard and fast or slow and painful the storms may roll, He is with us. let that be your joy. take heart. 

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