Tuesday, September 17, 2013

:involve Jesus:

this means in your every day life, 
but something i'm learning more and more, 
is you have to involve Jesus to even want Jesus.

i was on fire when i got to school. 
i was so passionate about where God had placed me, 
what He was teaching me, 
what He was providing me with.

if you asked me how school was going the past two weeks, 
i probably annoyed you with a long rant of how good God is and every little detail of my life.
because i was that stoked on it.

and now its happened.
relationships have began to distract me,
work has started getting in the way,
and my selfish, dirty sin has started to dwindle my fire.

i don't want to spend time in the word
i don't want to go out of my way to show His light to others
i don't want to be intentional all the time.

fire needs things to thrive,
we need the Lord to survive. 
we need the Holy Spirit whispering to us,
we need Jesus beckoning us,
we need God guiding us,
we need the trinity fighting for us.

my selfish ways have been pulling me away from The Lord. 
they point me in literally every direction but towards God.
because it's sin.
because i'm being tempted by the devil.
because i can't help but give in every time.

and i know that through Christ
 i can overcome the temptation,
and i know i can get rid of the hurt,
and i know i can be on fire for my Abba Father all the time,
it's just hard.
that's why we can't do it by ourselves,
because it's too hard.

but thankfully we have a gracious, kind, gentle Abba Father
who will always intercede for us,
and encourage us,
and lift us up, up toward Him.

"because he loves me," says the Lord,
"I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."
psalm ninety one: fourteen-sixteen

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